Projects Done

Clown Science Dreams has worked in different parts of the world, with different cultures, enjoying the goodness of their people, and learning from them.

We have participated in very diverse cultures of more than 18 countries in Europe, the Middle East and Asia and Africa: Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Mauritania, Somalia, Ethiopia, Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar, Spain, Italy, etc. .

We have provided training to more than 10,000 people: adults, youth and children, all over the world.

We have collaborated with many organizations, associations and foundations within the field of international humanitarian aid and cooperation: IOM, UNHCR, UNRWA, Cáritas, Jesuit Refugee Service, BRAC, Blue Dragon, Fondació, Enfants du Mekong, Phare Ponleu Selpak, Shanti Bavans , Child World Cancer, etc.

Find below some of the first projects we carried out, related and with photos to share our experiences. Click on the image to know more.


















1   street of india.jpg

duniya school   learn for life

tibetan   Shorak

butterfly   hugging nepal (1)

chandeswori school   chandeswori

petit mon   tibetan school

hospital orto   Koseli Foundation

Papa's house.jpg   tee gyi

palana's orphanage   training teacheer center. campo

2   1

   humanitarian services for childrens of vietnam

Blue Dragon   Casa Lidy, un hogar en Tahen... (1)

karuna battambang   poster1

ecole maternelle champa lao   santisouk

enfants du mekong   

   school of hope (1)