Srongtsen Bhrikuti Boarding High School, a prestigious school available to everyone

The next collaboration was with Srongtsen Bhrikuti Boarding High School, a Tibetan school in Kathmandu. We had contacted them through Petit Món, and the reason is because they have sponsored about 30 students.

Although it is a private school, two thirds of the children who study in it are sponsored, so this school does a huge social work, not only providing education to children without resources, but also away from the school model -Begin, students from different social classes share the same academic level and the same conditions.


Our contact was Mr. Jampa, the head of studies, he facilitated our work very much, he was open to any proposal and even to compress the schedules to get the most out of it. The plan was: for 2 days; 3 workshops on the first day including one for teachers and the performance plus two workshops for the second day.

So we started at the beginning, the first day … often luminaries I am made … In the morning the first thing that all the students do is to meet in the courtyard, a huge esplanada, to do the daily assembly, Buddhist prayers, sing the anthem of Tibet and then sing the anthem of Nepal.


And right after we were introduced to us, in front of more than 500 people !!! It was impressive to see 500 uniformed boys greeting us … We passed the bus, we introduced ourselves and we thanked them for welcoming us.


The workshops were made in the Music Hall, an old but charming space, with cement steps and a dusty stage. The arrival of the children was staggered, so we started a little late.



The first group was 14-15 years old and there were about 20 students, all in uniforms and with ties, we gave each other the pleasure of telling them to loosen their ties !!! Hehehe … Everything was great, even though one of them was more messy and they were all shy, they were letting go and motivating, they were very involved, it was a pleasure to experience their desire to learn, and they felt the curiosity that they had to the arts.


The two groups, both in the morning and in the afternoon were very funny, some with more self-confidence than others, they gave themselves up to the exercise, untying the bonds of external judgment, among them they fed the exhibition, the desire to see others, the Imaginative worlds of other heads … All day was a pleasure.



At the last minute we did a workshop for teachers. They attended 18 of them, people in general of about 40 to 50 years, with more or less classic aspect. They looked like they were going to enjoy it, without a doubt !!!


So it was. We started with the warm-up and the first laughs and jokes began. Then we went to do some mime. They behaved in a timid way, but prediaposed to do it, sometimes with a little obligation … but they laughed a lot.


The last exercise was to do a bit of improvisation. When explaining the exercise some of them said that they had to leave urgently … hahaha … in a hurry, they did not dare to expose themselves in any situation. To this it was added that the students had finished and we had a circle of them watching the teachers do the clown !!!! They started in pairs, very well, very natural and funny, with shyness but giving everything! Bravo profes!


And so the day ended, we picked up and went to the apartment that Petit Món left us, and that was great.

The next day we went very soon, we had to prepare to act just after the daily morning assembly, in front of more than 500 people! What a joy!


One of the students was not a sound technician, and we explained the music changes. After, costume and makeup. And … let the show begin !!!!


Everything was great, the audience incredible, they screamed of illusion, the laughs were contagious to every action, every clown look, impressive. We enjoyed it like never before.


At the end, all the children surrounded us, they wanted to hit five, give their hands, even hug us!


We went to the Music Hall to do the workshop in the morning, when on the way came a troop of children about 4-5 years old with open arms that clashed with us to hug us … how cute it was! Then they would turn and run away !!! What a tender gesture, what more loving children … They left us a meringue …



The two workshops of the day were for students in grade 9, between 15-16 years, and both were a gift. They were super motivated with the desire to do theater, clown, we were surprised. A couple of girls made the best improvisation we’ve seen in the whole trip, almost tears the tears of taste, were very good and knew what they did …



At the end of the last class a group of girls wanted to do an improvisation, without preparing, in the extra time … first time that happens to us … Incredible !!!


And so we finish this collaboration, intense, as they are all, but with a very good taste, for having shared it with motivated people who valued the power of interpretation and clown !! We say goodbye, but you will come back to know about us … Besazos !!!!


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