
Wherever we go, we also offer our services as consultants:

  • We offer Clown workshops for children or adults. The objective is to discover through the Clown the world of the emotions, improve our corporal and artistic expression, work our security and our social skills. The workshops are customized according to the specific needs of each case, in duration and content.
  • También ofrecemos nuestros espectáculos de Clown contemporáneo, familiar y para adultos, por ejemplo: Suspirando Pinceles, o la traducción  al inglés: Dreaming Paintings.
  • We also offer our contemporary, familiar and adult Clown shows, for example: Dreaming Paintings.

Click on the following image to see the service dossier:


We have worked with private centers, such as pre-school, primary and secondary schools, art schools, and also in workshops of private sector companies, specifically in the Pharmaceutical industry.

In the following link you can see an example of our performance:

If you are interested please send us an email to (see Contact), and we will provide you with all the necessary information.

See you soon!!