Sharing happiness in Djibouti schools, a smile in Africa

In Djibouti we had the opportunity to visit three schools in humble neighborhoods of the city of Djibouti, the capital of the country. There we were able to present and work with several groups of students. In total we share our time with more than 500 children of different ages, from 6 to 17 years old.

The groups were quite numerous, which made it difficult to keep everyone attentive, and to this we must add that everyone was very excited and excited by our presence.

Only get to schools, as often happens, the novelty attracts the attention of children who run, laugh and scream around us. As it usually happens, we start making the clown with them and then a bond is created based on the common interest of having a great time …

See their innocent faces, smiling, happy and happy for the opportunity to live a different experience … In addition, dressed in their best clothes to go to school, you can see the importance that they and their families give to the opportunity to go to school. school, something vital and fundamental to not get to the extreme poverty in which some of them live and in Djibouti, poverty take on another meaning … desert, dust and rock …

Horn of Africa is an English-speaking school that is located in the Djibouti mission. It is a small school run by the nuns of Mother Teresa of Calcutta. The children were very savvy and active and it was a pleasure to work with them. From the beginning they were excited.

We shared experiences and experiences, life and emotions, with naturalness and generosity, we did what they wanted to do, flowing with theater, full of talent, happy to express for their class, for their own, from the most shy to the most extroverted. A whole experience where we discovered pure talent!

La Salle and Boulaos schools are French-speaking schools in the suburbs of Djibouti. Both are led by nuns, Catholics, although the children who mostly attend, as in the whole country, are Muslims.

We shared our workshops with children between 7 and 12 years old, they were super motivated. They were very cute !!!! Those little faces were a gift for us, the over-excitement when we asked for volunteers, all with hands raised, even to repeat, lifting everything they could until they finished all crowded in front of us …

The desire, the motivation, the nervous faces before you start, your relaxation and excitement at the end … These are the signs that tell us that we are doing well what we do, that it benefits them, that it brings something new, a new point of sight, a new fitness, something that they will not easily forget …

We, after a great effort, until we were exhausted, we were happy and satisfied for having done a good job, for having made many children happy, taught a new point of view, in their imagination, in the same reality in which they live, but from different perspectives … We are going to rest from so many emotions, from so much love, from their part, from ours … We love our work !!!!!

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