Koseli Foundation, a school in Kathmandu slam

After the Dhasain and once recovered from trekking Everest base camp we contacted Hugging Nepal, an NGO led by Alvaro and Maria. A lovely group of people who have been living in Kathmandu for almost 4 years. We met with them to see the possibilities of collaboration we had. In the following post we will tell you more about the work and the projects that are carried out in Nepal.

To begin with, he gave us the contact of a school called Koseli Foundation, which works to educate 75 children of slam (barracks suburbs) that are on the borders of the Baghmati river in Kathmandu.


We arrived at the school at the time they had cited us, at 10 a.m. There we waited until Mrs. Neelam, the director of the foundation, arrived. We told him about doing a theater workshop for the older ones and then the clown show, he answered that it would be great, so we got down to work. We dressed in our work uniform and summoned the older children in the yard to start.


We did the typical exercises, coordination, concentration, teamwork, we explained them little by little and with translation of the school staff. Everything was going well, the children were motivated as we went.

We focused efforts on the timid ones who were sometimes more reluctant to collaborate, and so we made sure that everyone participated. As always the beasts are tamed when it’s time to improvise in front of the group … hehehe … then the storm gives way to calm … who will be the / the volunteer …? Hehehehehe (malignant laughter).


But the nerves last only until the first volunteers, seeing that it was not so difficult they got the urge to go out and show off. It is very nice to see them with their noses on representing small scenes, giving everything! So the workshop ends in style, the children asking to be able to do one more … aaaish … that fills us … but there is no time, we must do the show now !!!!


We explain to the improvised sound technician the tickets of the music and we will prepare. As we are used to, we have 10-15 min to get dressed, make up and prepare. At first, the rush stressed us and they did not let us enter the scene well … with time and repetition you end up getting used to it …


The music starts! We go on stage, children of all ages are at their best !!! The first laughs do not take long to arrive, and that always gives us an extra motivation that feeds back.

We always try to keep the children in the shade during the performance so that they do not get burned, but this time, the passage of time after planning had discovered the sun in the first row … so these children were watching us against the light, with the hand making a visor, looking for the point where they could see something, and also did not stop laughing, delivered … that public taste!


They had a hard time dating as volunteers, so they laughed and pointed at each other to avoid being chosen, until we pulled out the lucky one, who with a mischievous and embarrassed face came out animated by the audience … a show in itself …


In addition, the volume of the music attracted neighbors who looked to see over the fence, until we went to one of them to enter the number, it would have been very fun, however when he left all were scattered running between laughs … we talk about grandmothers and grandparents fleeing from the clown … hahahaha …


And, nothing is forever, everything has an end or a see you later. To thank us for the timeshare the children of the foundation made us a souvenir gift, a pencil jar and a beautiful drawing the two made by them !!!! They gave it to us between mutual hugs … how nice they are … We keep you in our hearts and until next time !!!!



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